
Internship Spotlight- Jeff Bynaker

November 14, 2014

The Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) has been turning out top notch Golf Course Superintendents for many years. Mt. Airy resident Jeff Bynaker may well be another one.

A second-year student studying Golf Course Management, Bynaker aspires to become a Golf Course Superintendent. While attending school part time, Bynaker has been diligently working at Rattlewood Golf Course in Mt. Airy, MD for five years and is currently the Irrigation Technician.

For his required eight-week internship, Bynaker continued his work at Rattlewood Golf Course taking on such duties as spraying, reviewing IPM programs, managing small projects, and aerating greens.

When asked why he chose to stay at Rattlewood instead of finding another course, he replied, “It was a course where I was comfortable, which made it easier for me to learn and take on more responsibility. Having a base understanding and then building on that made it easier.” Many interns travel across the country beginning a new job and working through everything they need to learn over three summer months. Bynaker’s approach showed his initiative in perfecting his current knowledge on a golf course where he was already comfortable.

Bynaker continues to work at Rattlewood Golf Course. When he graduates in December, he plans to find an assistant’s position in Maryland. Bynaker has not only been a model student at the IAA but also in the work place, earning trust from his superintendent and fellow employees.

Every year the IAA students intern at various work sites to further their skills on farms, golf courses, sport fields, or at agricultural businesses. This experience sets IAA graduates a step above the rest as they seek employment. Many interns leave their summer jobs with a new respect for their chosen career and a letter of recommendation from their employers.